19.1.2012 | 09:27
Haag - Rķkisstjórnin fórnaši hagsmunum Ķslands fyrir ESB-drauminn
Rķkisstjórnin fórnaši hagsmunum Ķslands fyrir ESB-drauminn - Haag 19. febrśar 2010 Nśverandi rķkisstjórn er versta plįga sem yfir Ķsland hefur duniš. Skżrast kom žetta ķ ljós viš żtrekašar tilraunir žessa fólks aš koma Icesave-klafanum į landsmenn. Žaš var jafnvel tilbśiš aš svķvirša Stjórnarskrį žjóšarinnar til aš žóknast hśsbęndum sķnum ķ Evrópusambandinu. Žjóšsvikarar leynast žó vķšar, eins og berlega kom ķ ljós viš afgreišslu Icesave-laganna į Alžingi. Til dęmis vita nśna allir landsmenn, aš Ķskalt mat er uppskrift aš svikum - svikum gegn hagsmunum Ķslands sem aldreigi mį fyrirgefa. Landsdómur bķšur eftir öllu žessu fólki. Žegar kjölturakkar Evrópusambandsins samžykktu Icesave-III-lögin į Alžingi, voru uppi żmsar skżringar į įstęšum žess aš žaš var gert meš atkvęšum sumra žingmanna stjórnarandstöšunnar. Enginn vafi leikur lengur į aš žaš var vegna hótana nżlenduveldanna. Mešal annars hafa Wikileaks skjölin sannaš, aš žaš voru hótanir Breta og Hollendinga sem réšu afstöšu žessara Alžingismanna.Ķ leyniskjölum Bandarķska utanrįšuneytissins, sem Wikileaks birti, kemur skżrt fram aš Bretland og Holland höfšu fundiš lyktina af ķskalda matinu žessi rķki vissu aš hótanir um aš stöšva innlimun Ķslands ķ ESB myndu hafa tilętluš įhrif. Hér fyrir nešan getur aš lķta skżrsluna frį sendirįši Bandarķkjanna ķ Haag. Sķšar verša birtar fleirri sambęrilegar skżrslur śr Wikileaks safninu.Loftur Altice Žorsteinsson.<<<>>> NETHERLANDS - NEXT STEPS ON ICESAVE
Summary --- ¶2. Nicole Bollen, Coordinator for Debt Issues at the Dutch Ministry of Finance, briefed ECONOFF February 19 on next steps in the Icesave case. The GONL, led by Finance Minister Wouter Bos, has met with Icelandic delegations several times in recent weeks to find a solution to the current impasse. The GONL remains firm that it will accept nothing less than full repayment of the 1.3 billion euro (USD 1.8 billion) loan it issued to the GOI in October 2008 to help the GOI repay Dutch deposit holders after the bankruptcy of Internet bank Icesave, part of the Icelandic bank Landsbanki. The British government similarly loaned Iceland 2.5 billion pounds (USD 3.5 billion) to help repay its deposit holders. Icelands parliament passed a bill in December setting out repayment terms for both loans, but President Grimsson refused to sign it on the grounds that the terms were overly harsh. His refusal triggered a national referendum on the deal scheduled for March 6. ¶3. Iceland's Finance Minister Sigfusson, accompanied by leaders of the Independence (Bjarni Benediktsson) and Progressive (Sigmundur Davķš Gunnlaugsson) opposition parties, met January 29 with Dutch Finance Minister Bos and UK Financial Services Minister Myners in The Hague. At that meeting, the parties agreed upon The Hague Principles that must be met in any revised plan to repay the Dutch (and British) loans. These principles are (1) full repayment of principal, (2) a concise proposal, (3) a quick end to negotiations (i.e. before the March 6 referendum), and (4) united cross-party political support in Iceland. (Note: The presence of Icelandic opposition parliamentarians in the meeting was intended to demonstrate that cross-party support that the Dutch and British require for any successful renegotiation of the loan terms. End note.) ¶4. Icelandic finance officials and opposition parliamentarians subsequently presented new options to their UK and Dutch counterparts in meetings in London on February 15 and 16. According to Bollen (who did not attend the meetings), the first proposal offered by the GOI on February 15 was outrageous. It did not guarantee full repayment of principal and offered no interest payments at all. The second proposal on February 16 was only slightly better, with the GOI offering to repay principal) over a long period of time) but no interest payments. The GONL Q period of time) but no interest payments. The GONL rejected both offers on the grounds that (1) they did not meet the agreed-upon Hague Principles and (2) the refusal to pay interest set a dangerous and unacceptable precedent for sovereign debt and other key Paris Club issues. ¶5. According to Bollen, the GONL believes the existing loan agreements with the Netherlands and UK will be resoundingly defeated in the March 6 Icelandic referendum. This will require the governments of Iceland, the Netherlands, and the UK to effectively to start over with negotiating new repayment terms. To avoid this scenario, the GONL is seeking a solution now that would obviate the need for the referendum. We must get clear of this said Bollen; the entire issue has gotten way out of hand and has become silly and destructive. ¶6. Bollen said the GONL therefore plans to make an offer to the GOI during the week of February 22. The GONL is willing to negotiate on interest payments, but not the core Hague Principles. Bollen indicated that options could include changing the current fixed interest rate of 5.55 percent to a floating rate for part of the repayment period. Another option could be an interest holiday for part of Icelands seven-year grace period on the debt. ¶7. Regarding the confidential State Department cable on the Icesave issue that was leaked to the Icelandic press on February 18, Bollen said she was not surprised at all. She described Iceland as a sieve in which information leaks are standard practice. Every time we have a confidential discussion with Icelandic officials, we read about it the next day in the press. ¶8. Bollen will represent the Netherlands in the Paris Club meetings on February 22-25 in Paris. She noted that she has discussed Icesave developments regularly with U.S. Treasury and State Department reps at recent Paris Club meetings; she will seek them out again during next weeks meeting and update them on developments. Höfundur skżrslu: Fay Hartog-Levin (Ambassador viš sendirįš USA ķ Haag, įgśst 2009 til janśar 2012). >>><<< Skjöl śr sendirįšum Bandarķkjanna: >>><<< |
Meginflokkur: Evrópumįl | Aukaflokkar: Stjórnmįl og samfélag, Utanrķkismįl/alžjóšamįl, Višskipti og fjįrmįl | Breytt 20.1.2012 kl. 10:26 | Facebook